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  • ArtistBrush (List) | Eastrich

    Artist Brush ART009 AR57 AR01 AR62 ART9802 AR111 AR39 AR69 AR53 ART601 AR29 AR05 AR68 AR52 ART501 AR59 AR02 AR63 AR51 ART401

  • AR57 | Eastrich

    < Back AR57 - Oil painting brush 8 (Flat) Phone Number

  • AR05 | Eastrich

    < Back AR05 - Oil painting brush (Round Flat) Phone Number

  • AR39 | Eastrich

    < Back AR39 Phone Number

  • AR59 | Eastrich

    < Back AR59 - Oil painting brush 8 (Oval) Phone Number

  • AR29 | Eastrich

    < Back AR29 Phone Number

  • Process | Eastrich

    Production Process Material Printing Combing Shaping Potting Assembling Packaging Step 1 - Combing Trimming Trim the bristles to the required length Combing Use a small comb to remove irregular hair Blending Evenly blend different type of bristles Dividing Divide the bristle roots from the tips step1 Sieving Use a sieve to remove bristles that have broken tips or lack pointed ends Step 2 - Shaping step2 Measuring and stretching bristles Stick the desired number of bristles out of the tube and measure the length to confirm Mold shaping Place a suitable amount of arranged bristles into the mold and shake to align the tips. Bind the bristles with a coil to stabilize them, then remove the bound bristles from the mold and trim off the excess thread (or untie the string) Inserting into the tube Wrap the bristles with a plastic sleeve and insert them into the outer tube. Then, remove the plastic sleeve from between the bristles and the outer tube Flattening Flatten the tube opening to the required thickness and length according to the work order Removing inverted roots Inspect for bristles with inverted roots and remove them Step 3 - Potting step3 Gluing Apply adhesive to the formed brush head to fix its shape after molding. step 4 - Assembling Assembly First piece verification with quality inspector required Cap Brush Cover brush head with PVC tube to protect brush head. step4 Sterilization and Cleaning Move the dried brushes to sterilization machine; clean brush heads and handles from dirt with cloth and alcohol. step 5 - Packaging Individual packaging Place brushes into designated packaging (e.g., PET cylinder, OPP bag, PVC bag). packaging Seal boxes, use packing machine for packaging, and transfer to the shipping area. step5 Step1 - Combing Step2 - Shaping Step3 - Potting Step4 - Assembling Step5 - Packaging

  • About Eastrich

    About East Rich Enterprise Co., Ltd. We are a professional brush manufacturer specializing in OEM/ODM with over two decades of experience in the Nail Brush, Makeup Brush, Artist Brush, and Dental Brush industries. ​ All our brushes are crafted using hand-made techniques and premium materials. We maintain strict standards to ensure each brush maintains high quality, with no compromises or mixtures in the manufacturing process. ​ Customized designs and private labeling options are available, offering a variety of models for you to choose from! We remain committed to providing the best products and services to our valued customers and strive to be your reliable partner. Company See More Factory See More Breakthrough While we maintain traditional brush-making techniques, we fearlessly explore innovative approaches. Our brushes are not only functional but also imbued with decorative and artistic value. Reliable We maintain the initial intention of our establishment in mind. With a genuine, down-to-earth, and dedicated mentality, we gain recognition and reputation. Unsurpassed Every brush that comes into the world is made by our handicraftsmen with their delicate skills. Only the best craftsmanship can highlight the value of the classics. Currently, our brushes are sold in more than 60 countries and are well-received by customers from around the world Service Our service exceeds customers' expectations. Not only do we take responsibility for the products we produce, but we also share our knowledge with our customers to ensure you can customize the best products of your choice Honest Honesty is not only a way to show respect to customers but also a principle to carry out business. We uphold an honest and ethical mentality to safeguard the rights of our customers.

  • Products | Eastrich

    Production Nail Brush SEE MORE Makeup Brush SEE MORE Artist Brush SEE MORE Porcelain Brush SEE MORE

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